Brackenhurst Equestrian Centre Outdoor School Hire (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Thu, Oct 31, 2024
Starting Times:
OUTDOOR SCHOOL 60 x 40m HIRE - no jumps or dressage boards set out but can be used during your session as long as all put away again before end of session.

Hire Slot 1
Arena Hire - 8.30 - 9.30     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 2
Arena Hire - 9.30 - 10.30     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 3
Arena Hire - 10.30 - 11.30     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 4
Arena Hire - 11.30 - 12.30     (Closed)
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Hire Slot 5
Arena Hire - 12.30 - 1.30     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 6
Arena Hire - 1.30 - 2.30     (Closed)
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Hire Slot 7
Arena Hire - 2.30 - 3.30     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 8
Arena Hire - 3.30 - 4.30     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 9
Arena Hire - 4.30 - 5.30     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 10
Arena Hire - 5.30 - 6.30     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 11
Arena Hire - 6.30 - 7.30     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 12
Arena Hire - 7.30 - 8.30     (Closed)
Entry Fee:

Show Secretary: Brackenhurst Equestrian Centre
Nottingham Trent University, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, NG25 0QF
Tel: 01158 485226, Email:

Brackenhurst Equestrian Centre, Nottingham Trent University, Brackenhurst, Nottingham Road, Southwell, Nottinghamshire NG250QF

Payment Details & Event Fees
Bookings in advance only. You can book using our Secure Online Entry System.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Brackenhurst Equestrian Centre.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.

£20.00 per hour ONE horse ONLY. Additional horses up to a max of 10 horses in total can be added for a £10 flat fee.

Terms & Conditions
• At the start of your hire you must ensure: That you check the arena and equipment before entering to ensure that it has been left in a safe condition by the previous occupant and that you are happy with the striding set out for related distances and doubles.

• At the end of your hire please make sure: No poles are left on the ground / All droppings have been cleared up / Fences are approx. 1m in height / you report any damages to

• We are running our facility hire with general rules and terms and conditions in place. PLEASE READ THESE Terms and Conditions of booking and the Emergency Procedure in full before you make payment. By booking facility hire and making payment at Nottingham Trent University, you agree to understand and adhere to all of the terms and conditions.

• Directions to Brackenhurst - Please enter the campus via the main ‘Brackenhurst Campus’ entrance from the A612 Nottingham-Southwell Road NOT the Deliveries Only entrance or other smaller lanes that the SAT NAV may direct you via. From this main entrance, follow the slightly windy road all the way down to a T-junction (you will see a driveway with a garage with a black door in front of you). TURN RIGHT here then keep following the road all the way down to the equestrian centre. You will go round a really sharp left hand bend and then you will see a cantilever gate and the outdoor school in front of you and a horsebox parking area. If this area is full, please follow the road round to the right and park in the next horsebox park on your left. Cantilever Gate - A loop system senses vehicles and automatically opens the gate (slides sideways) during 'working' hours of 8am to 8.30pm each day and then the gate then closes behind you. If for any reason the gate does not open for you, please call the security officers at Brackenhurst on 07786 112005.

• Entry to the Outdoor School - Access to the Outdoor Arena – is via the metal gate at the bottom left of the school accessed directly from the bottom car park opposite the cantilever centre access gate. Pedestrians in arenas – Pedestrians in the arenas when horses are present should be limited to; The official coach/es; Club committee members/officials/helpers appointed by the facility hire client; All must exercise extreme caution when entering and exiting the arenas and leave the arena as soon they are no longer required to be there. If riders require help with removal of jackets, boots etc. they MUST either go to the coach or go to the corner of the arena near to the gates to be helped by a committee member/parent/helper. Parking during General Hire– All vehicles need to be parked in the relevant areas for everyone’s safety; The bottom two parking areas opposite the paddock and outdoor school are to be used for horse vehicle parking during clinics, rallies and general hire. Vehicles should be positioned pointing towards the road (not the paddock or outdoor school) and with vehicle bumpers as close to the road as possible in order to try and fit as many vehicles in the area as possible. No horse vehicles are to be parked next to any stables or yards at the equestrian centre under any circumstances to ensure the bio-security of the yard and to keep staff, students and horses on the yards safe. Cars/Non-horse vehicles are to be parked in the top car park that is opposite the equine classroom next to the indoor school during general hire only. There is to be NO HORSES IN THIS AREA UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES during general hire. The area in front of the large double doors into the indoor arena in this parking area MUST BE KEPT CLEAR AT ALL TIMES for emergency vehicle access. Access for pedestrians into the indoor arena is via the white pedestrian access door to the right of the large brown wooden double doors..

• In the event of an incident or accident – in the event of an incident or accident whereby you need to call the emergency services (call 999) please quote the following what3words to the emergency control centre during the call: Brackenhurst Equestrian Centre – smile.dolphin.infringe (please note there is also a defibrillator situated inside the indoor school next to the pedestrian door opposite the locker rooms if it is required) and please call the duty officer on 07786 112005 to inform them of the incident; Please also call the duty officer if you require first aid, general help or to report suspicious activity.


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