Bookham RC Open Evening Dressage (Sunshine Tour Qualifiers) & Clear Round Show Jumping (Times Available)

Show Date
Fri, Jul 26, 2024
Closing Date
Fri, Jul 26, 2024
Event Downloads
Starting Times:

Times: Times will be available on website by 24th July

Class 1
Introductory - Test B    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 2
Preliminary - Test 7 (Rev 2016)    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 3
Preliminary - Test 17    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 4
Novice - Test 37(a)    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 5
Clear Round Show Jumping - 1 Round    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Clear round

Show Secretary: Bookham Riding Club

Bookham Riding Club, The Riding Club Field, River Lane, Off Randals Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT220AU

Show Information

No need for show attire or plaiting, this is an informal evening event.  However your tack and turnout must be BD legal.

Entries close:Tuesday 23rd  July at 11.00 am or before if full, entry numbers will be restricted.

Times available: Wednesday 24th July

Dressage starts at 5.30 pm  - 7.30 pm

Clear round will start at X-poles and go up from there as entries dictate.

Warm up and tests run on a surface.  Hard standing parking.

Important Information for Sunshine Tour 2024

Qualification is for competitors placed 1st – 3rd in Show Jumping, Dressage, Showing and Eventers Challenge (placings do not pass down the line). Competitors will need to register each of their qualifications on the Sunshine Tour website and provide proof of placing

Payment Details & Event Fees

Entries in advance only. You can enter using our Secure Online Entry System. Payment is secure and it goes directly to BRC.
You will receive an email confirmation of your class entry and payment.

Entry Fee:

members £12.00 per class.

Non members £14 per class.

Late entries £2 extra per class

Prize Information

Prizes: Rosettes to 7th, prize to winner in each class

Terms & Conditions

 Open • Competitions are run in accordance with British Riding Club rules • All ridden horses and ponies must be 4 years of age or over • No entry will be refunded after the closing date except on production of a medical or veterinary certificate • The judge’s decision is final and any objections must be made in writing within 15 minutes of the incident and accompanied by a £15.00 deposit, which will be refunded if the objection is sustained • It is a condition of entry that no responsibility will be accepted by the organisers, their representatives or helpers for any loss or damage to spectators, competitors, their horses, grooms, friends or property under any circumstances whatsoever • Bookham Riding Club reserves the right to refuse or cancel any entry without disclosing a reason or to alter, split, amalgamate or cancel classes if found to be necessary • It is the responsibility of all competitors to present themselves in time for the classes in which they are entered • Horses must NOT be left tied to unattended vehicles • All dogs must be kept on a lead on the showground at all times • NO BICYCLES to be ridden on showground • Prizes and/or rosettes may be withheld if there are insufficient entries in a class • Protective headgear, properly secured, must be worn at all times when mounted.

British Riding Clubs Information Posters for Hat Rules and Body Protector guidelines 2023.

A body protector is mandatory in all cross-country competitions/training (where fixed fences are used).
A BETA Level 3 displaying a Blue 2018 Label must be worn where a body protector is mandatory. From 1 Jan 2024, the BETA 2009 Purple Label will no longer be accepted. The ONLY exception to this requirement is that the Exo Body Cages will continue to be accepted, provided they have a BETA Level 3 Purple 2000 Label.
If a rider chooses to wear an airbag style body protector for cross-country it must be worn over a BETA Level 3 2018 Blue Label body protector. Hybrid Air-jackets and air jackets incorporated into a blouson style jacket are permitted.
Where body protectors are not mandatory i.e. dressage/show jumping the rider may wear any level/standard body protector.
Note that this relates to all BRC cross country activities, not just training
Protective headwear:
‘Protective headwear’ must be worn at all times when mounted. Harnesses must be correctly adjusted and fastened at all times. 
‘Protective headwear’ constitutes a helmet that meets one of the following standards:
PAS 015: 2011 provided they are BSI kitemarked or Inspec IC marked.
VG1 01 040: 2014-12 provided they are BSI kitemarked or Inspec IC marked.
EN1384: 2023 provided they are BSI kitemarked or Inspec IC marked.
ASTM F1163 2004a or 04a onwards provided they are SEI marked.
SNELL 2016 or 2021 onwards.
AS/NZS 3838: 2006 onwards provided they are SAI global marked.
Only a “Jockey skull” of an even round or elliptical shape with a smooth or slightly abrasive surface, having no peak or peak type extensions may be worn for any cross-country phase.

All competitors must wear correct riding dress

As a precautionary measure, the wearing of helmet or body cameras at all Bookham RC events is prohibited. • It is the responsibility of all participants to clear up their rubbish and debris and leave the showground fit for grazing. Please do not muck out your horsebox/trailer on the showground

The organisers of these shows have taken reasonable precaution to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey instructions of the organiser and all the officials and stewards.

Non-members of BHS should have their own public liability insurance.


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